Annual scientific and networking meeting: May 21-23 – in Thessaloniki, Greece

Dear ESFLU members,

We are pleased to confirm the dates for our annual scientific and networking meeting: May 21-23 – in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The current plan is to hold the Administrative Committee meeting for a smaller group on May 21 in the morning and the Plenary meeting from May 21-23 in the afternoon.

The ESFLU budget only allows us to support about 40 participants

The ESFLU core group will prepare the meeting and select the participants.

Venue: Aristotele University of Thessaloniki – with internet connection for remote participants:

ABC Hotel booking procedure.

Prices range from 65 euros for a single room to 85 euros for a double room, including breakfast but excluding city taxes, which are 3 euros per room/night.

The hotel offers a special procedure for reservations.

Participants can contact the reservation centre by e-mail:, indicating the special event code ESFLU ACTION (see detailed instructions below).

 Attendees will receive a link to their email address that will redirect them to a 3d SECURE bank page where they can enter their credit card information and pay the deposit due (1 night).

Bookings are reconfirmed subject to availability.

They have told me that today they have an availability of 40-45 rooms for that day)

Full payment is required on departure.

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Dear ESFLU Members, We are pleased to confirm that our annual scientific and networking meeting in 2025 will be held in March 25th – 27th