ESFLU WG1 Training School – 2nd Grant Period

Introduction Swine influenza is a highly contagious respiratory disease in pigs caused by influenza A viruses (swIAV), leading to significant production losses. The intensification of pork production systems and the unrestricted movement of livestock across borders contribute to the virus’s spread in Europe. New variants, some with zoonotic potential, are continually emerging. Recent human pandemics […]

ESFLU WG2 Training School – 2nd Grant Period

Introduction Swine influenza is a highly contagious respiratory disease in pigs caused by influenza A viruses (swIAV), leading to significant production losses. The intensification of pork production systems and the free movement of livestock across borders facilitate the spread of the virus in Europe. New variants, some with zoonotic potential, constantly emerge. Recent human pandemics […]

Great success in the 1st ESFLU – COST Action Training School on swine influenza A diagnostics, hosted by Royal GD

From 5th to 8th of September, Royal GD, Deventer, hosted the first training school on “Monitoring, identification and characterisation of swine influenza A virus” within the WG 1 of the ESFLU- Cost action (“Strengthening the capability in Europe for the identification and characterisation of swine influenza A virus -swIAV-”). The training school was aimed primarily at young scientists who work […]

Call for participation in 1st ESFLU – COST CA21132 training school

Call for participation in 1st ESFLU – COST CA21132 training school from 5 – 8 September 2023 at GD Animal Health in Deventer, the Netherlands. Deadline for application is July 14th 2023. Topic: “Sampling techniques Diagnostics, identification and characterization of swine Influenza A virus” Please see the document below for details and application instructions.