Management Committee
According to COST rules, a maximum of two experts per country are appointed as members of the Management Committee (MC). They are designated by their respective national COST focal point. The MC has the formal role to suggest and approve the plans and activities of the COST Action. The list of MC members per country can be found on the COST action website. The MC meets about three times a year, including one physical meeting, to review activities and make decisions regarding the management of the network.
Working Group leaders and co-leaders
In the Working Groups (WG) the actual work is performed to achive planned outcomes and to reach milestones indicated in the Memorandum of Understanding.
Each WG is led by a leader and a co-leader. The objectives and activities of each WG can be foundĀ here. Within the scope of each Working Group, multiple task groups are constituted to perform the actual work and produce deliverables.
The Core Group
The Core Group consists of the Main Contact persons, the Grant Holder representative, the Working Group leaders and co-leaders, the Grant Awarding Coordinator, and the Science communication officer. The Core group has been given a delegation of pawer by the ESFLU MC to decide on the daily and regular business of ESFLU. The ESFLU Core group meets online monthly.
For further details see: Action CA21132 – COST